• Single class/week: Your Credit/Debit card will be charged exactly one week from time of enrolment.

    Example: You enrol on Monday 4 pm, your first class is on Wednesday 6 pm of the same week. You will be charged for the first class and subsequent classes for the remainder of the month on 3 pm next Monday. (just one hour short of full 7 days from the time of enrolment).

  • Multiple classes/week: Your Credit/Debit card will be charged 1 hour before your second class or on the 7th day, whichever comes first.

    Example: You enrol on Monday 4 pm, your first class is on Wednesday 6 pm. Your second class is on Saturday at 7 pm. You will be charged at 6 pm on Saturday (1 hour before your second class). You have until that time to cancel without being charged.