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Knowledge base
Registration, Enrollment, Rescheduling
Trial Classes
How Long Is A Trial Class?
How Do I Know If My Trial Class Is Confirmed?
Do I Need To Contact The Teacher?
How do I reschedule a trial class? (Adult student)
How do I reschedule a trial class (Parents managing children's account)
View all 12
Account Creation & Enrollment
How do I make an account?
How do I enrol for PAID classes? (Parents enrolling for children/family members)
How do I enrol for PAID classes? (Adult students enrolling after trial class)
How do I cancel my classes (for adult student)?
How do I cancel children / secondary user's classes?
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How do I reschedule classes?
How do I change my child's class timings?
When can I reschedule classes?
How often can I reschedule classes?
How do I add new classes for my child / secondary user?
Switching Teachers
How do I switch to a different teacher?
I'm having some issues with my teacher, can I switch to another teacher?
What happens to my previous payment when I'm switched to a new teacher?
Children & Family members enrolment
How do I enrol a child?
How many children can I enrol?
Can I enrol my parents / siblings/ relative under my account?
How will I be billed if I have dependents enrolled under my account?
New Tanzeel System
Child/Secondary User Account
What can a Child/Secondary user do in the new Tanzeel system?
What functions aren't allowed for Child/secondary user accounts?
How can a child attend his/her classes?
How do I log into a child's account?
How do I manage my children/secondary users account?
View all 6
System Rules & Policies
Rescheduling Rules & Policies for Newly enrolled students
Rescheduling Rules & Policies for existing students
Billing related rules/policies
Student age related rules/policies
Classroom Application
How can children attend their classes?
I'm a parent, how do I access my child's class links?
How do I start the class? How to attend classes on Tanzeel System?
Are there permanent links/rooms for classes (like Zoom)?
Can I use my mobile or tablet for classes?
View all 12
Adult / Primary User Account
What can a Primary User account holder do (that secondary users can't)?
Can a parent access links to their children's classes?
Billing, Fees, Refunds, Credits
Class Fees
How are monthly fees calculated?
What's an average monthly fee? (Students enrolled before Aug 27, 2021)
Is there a discount?
Where do my payments / fees go?
What's an average monthly fee? (Students enrolled AFTER Aug 27, 2021)
View all 7
When will I be billed for first month of classes?
How often will I be billed?
Do I have to pay for extra classes I add after I'm billed on the first of the month?
How do I get refunds?
What's the refund & Make up / Replacement class policy?
My teacher missed classes, do I get a refund?
Types of Refunds
Refund for incorrect Billing
What is a "credit"?
How does the credit system work?
Payment issues
My payment failed, what do I do now?
My Credit/Debit card expired, how do I update information?
I was not charged for classes...
I was overcharged
Tanzeel Classes
How long is a class?
What is the class format?
Will the teacher recite and let me repeat after him/her?
Will I have homework?
Is My Class Weekly?
What is the duration of each class?
Do I get a male or a female teacher?
What is the cost of each class?
How will the teacher contact me for my first class?
What materials do I need to have with me for my class?
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