Parents cannot log into their own account using email address 

and password to access children's classes.

All users must log into the system from this link:

As such, Child users will use their own User ID in the form field Titled "Email or User ID" instead of entering an email address.

Each child user has to log into their own account to be able to attend classes. If children are too young and can't use the computer by themselves, parents may use the Child's User ID and password to log into their account.

Step 1: 5 minutes before class, Log into the system using Child's User ID (not email), and password

System link:

Child users will use their own User ID in the form field Titled "Email or User ID" instead of entering an email address. 

Step 2: Wait for 5 seconds, look for "Go to class" button at the top right of the screen 

This must be repeated for each class as there is no permanent link to the classroom for each user. All users must log in 5 minutes prior to their classes to be able to access an Active link to their class for that day/time.

Siblings who used to share same Zoom room must now login to their own individual account and each will have unique class links.