Tanzeel classes have to be pre-paid at the beginning of the month for usage during the month.
1st of the month: Stripe will attempt to charge your Credit/Debit card on the 1st of every month.
Pro-rated Billing: System will calculate each month's billing amount by combining all the classes in a given month. If cost is $5.00 USD/session and the total monthly bill = Total # of classes in a month X $6.50.
If a student after the first of the month, then the student will be billed on a pro-rata basis. Student will not have to pay for the entire month's classes (days before enrolment), rather only for the classes that are upcoming in that month.
Failed payments:
- If your Credit/Debit card expired, or there is an error in the number/expiry date / CVV code, payment will fail. You will be notified if payment failed.
- Billing Screen (inside your account) will show an Outstanding Balance.
- System will attempt to charge your card on a daily basis until it succeeds.
- You must update your credit card immediately.
- On the 7th day, system will send you a final warning. At this point, you won't be able to attend classes anymore, Classroom application will become inactive.
Removal from Schedule:
- You must take care of the issue between the 7th and 14th day (of the month).
- On the 14th day, if your payment is still outstanding (you have not updated credit card), system will remove you from the schedule and you will no longer be able to continue your classses.
Why do we have such policies?
- Tanzeel is a volunteer managed organization. We do not have the time/resources to chase people for failed payments.
- In the past, we have had a number of cases where students continued their classes for years without any payment. This hurts our teachers the most as they could really benefit from the outstanding tuitions.