If Stripe was unable to charge your card and you received an email from us informing that your payment failed, you need to contact your bank/Credit Card company immediately to resolve the issue. 

Step 1: Contact your Bank / Credit Card company and make sure there are sufficient funds in your account and the card was not declined for other reasons.

You may consult the following article to understand what exactly was the reason for failed payment: https://stripe.com/docs/declines/codes 

Step 2: Please log into your account: LZ.Tanzeel.org

Step 3: From the Top Navigation dropdown, select "Billing" 

Step 3: Click "Update" Credit/Debit Card

Step 4: Enter Credit/Debit Card details

If your card issue was resolved properly, Stripe will attempt to charge you for the balance owed and you should receive an email receipt upon successful payment.